What is Shop2Learn?
Shop2Learn will save you money on your ordinary day-to-day supermarket shopping, a day out with the family, holidays, clothes, home improvements, eating out, jewellery, mobile phones, fridges, computers, TVs and much more!
There are many companies that offer savings through Shop2Learn, and you can see just a small selection of them below.
Make your children’s educational support even more affordable. If your child is already receiving tutoring from School House Tutors, you can register for Shop2Learn using the form below.
Apply now to make savings on your every day household spend to help you pay for your children’s education!
How much can I save?
Where can I save?
These are just a small example of some of the many places where Shop2Learn can be used!

How do I gain access to Shop2Learn?
Any family registered with School House Tutors will receive FREE MEMBERSHIP to Shop2Learn and the benefits and savings it provides in order to help towards tuition costs.
Fill in your details below and your Shop2Learn login details will be sent to you.